Sport scholarships are offered at Year 9 (13+) and Year 12 (16+) to students who compete locally and nationally in a breadth of sporting activities.

Current students who excel in their external sporting endeavours may be considered for a Sport scholarship at any time during their time at the school.

Co-Curricular Sport

Sevenoaks offers an outstanding sporting education, enabling every student to thrive within an inclusive and inspirational environment. We place a strong emphasis on development of character through sport as well as developing performance and providing opportunities for all.

Co-Curricular Sport at Sevenoaks

scholarship Assessment

The assessment day will include:

  • Physical profiling
  • Assessment in their individual sport
  • Involvement in a team sport activity
  • The opportunity to meet current scholars and learn about the Performance Sport Programme


Attributes for success

Sport scholarships at Sevenoaks School are awarded to celebrate exceptional achievement in external sporting endeavours. The school celebrates internal sporting success through other means, for example, the award of school colours and prizes.

Sport scholarships are formally awarded to applicants at 13+ and 16+ via an assessment process . We award only a few scholarships to candidates at 13+, reserving a significant number of scholarships to be awarded to students during their time at the school, as they mature and develop their sporting ability. During this time, we support each individual towards external representation, through the Performance Sport Programme. Typically, a scholarship is awarded once a student has been selected for a talent pathway (or equivalent) to regional or national level sport representation.  At 16+, we offer scholarships to candidates who are comparable to sport scholars already in the school. Usually these students are on at least a talent pathway (or equivalent) to regional or national level sport representation.

Applicants for a sport scholarship will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Values – How well do students represent our Sport department values?
  • Commitment – Will students regularly represent Sevenoaks School sport at fixtures and attend training?
  • Endeavour – How many different sports do the students commit to?
  • Reflectiveness – How do students manage feedback in the pursuit of development?
  • Performance – What level of sport are they playing (at school or in a club)?

How to apply

For Year 9 (13+), all candidates who have already been offered and have accepted a place at the school will be invited to apply for a Sport scholarship. This invitation is also extended to current students who joined the school at Year 7 (11+). Sport Scholarship applications should be submitted by 1 February of Year 8 and the scholarship assessment day will be held in early May. Internal candidates are not required to provide a reference when making an application.

Lower Sixth (16+) candidates should apply for a Sport scholarship at the confirmation stage. Selected candidates are invited for assessment in late October or early November after sitting the academic entrance exams in October.

Scholarship information    Year 9 sCHOLARSHIP application form    Sixth Form sCHOLARSHIP application form

Get in Touch

The Director of Sport, Steve Brenchley, is pleased to meet candidates informally at any stage to answer your queries.


For further information regarding scholarships, please contact  Admissions

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