Visual Arts
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The Art department aims to help pupils find their independent creative voice through experiment and investigation, always assuming that all have the potential to create and grow as artists.
All pupils are welcomed into the Art department to develop creative projects in their own time. Many younger pupils join the array of after school clubs, which range from animation to ceramics. All students are welcome to come at breaks, lunch times and after school. Sixth Form students pursue specialist projects in areas such as photography and filmmaking. Drawing and ambitious painting are central to the work of the department and its belief that inspiration and insight come from intense, often slow, observation of the world and immediate environment the students find themselves a part of.
The studios are set up to offer a welcoming creative environment, encouraging individuals to establish their own creativity. As students work through the school, their work becomes increasingly informed, independent, and ambitious, usually both in scale and scope. There are facilities for printmaking with a large etching press and an Albion press for relief work. Ceramics is supported by two kiln and a darkroom complements suites of iMacs and PCs. Sixth Form artists are allocated their own studio space so that they can continue to work outside lessons.
In recent years, our annual exhibition of Upper Sixth students’ work has been held in London at the Oxo Bargehouse. Spread across four floors, this huge warehouse-type gallery offers the opportunity for students to curate their work. The work ranges between vast oil paintings to complex and technically challenging printmaking. Most recently, a six-foot plaster sculpture competed for attention with digital and projected video work and installations.
Middle School
In the Middle School, students work towards presenting their creative vision at a final exhibition on Founder’s Day. For some, this is a staging post on the way to deepening their interest in the Sixth Form, while for others, it is the culmination and celebration of their visual art practice at Sevenoaks.
Further examples of pupils’ art can be viewed on our dedicated Art website.
There is a club every day after school. Currently we offer Lower School Art Club, Middle School Drawing Club, Ceramics Club, Dark Room Club, Animation Club, and a club aimed at developing portfolios for applications to Art and Design-based degree courses such as Architecture.