27 September 2024

Catalyst: The Next 100 Years

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Students have released the seventh edition of the school’s science magazine Catalyst. This edition, entitled The Next 100 years, covers a variety of topics including the use of hydrogen, bacteriophage treatments, generative AI in drug discovery, the future of architecture and much more.

The student editors write: ‘In the past 100 years, science has undergone a revolutionary transformation, driven by the curiosity and persistence of scientists. Quantum and particle physics, plate tectonics, green chemistry, not to forget the internet are all branches of science discovered or extended significantly in the past 100 years. To give an idea of the magnitude of change some areas of science have undergone, a century ago, the structure of DNA was completely unknown, but now, we have the potential to unlock and manipulate the very structures that define us, which is explored in one of the articles in this issue.

This year’s Catalyst reflects the continuing expansion of the frontiers of science. However, it also highlights the importance of being cognisant of the implications all these scientific breakthroughs bring. Returning to the example of genetic modification technology, the onslaught of ethical questions that arise from its development is not an issue that should go unheeded. Currently, we face more challenges with the consequences of our actions with climate change, AI and others. Therefore, in the next 100 years, the heart of the scientific drive shouldn’t just consist of curiosity and resilience, but consideration of consequences.’

Read the latest edition here.

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