Art scholarships are offered at Year 9 (13+) and Year 12 (16+). The Art department aims to help pupils find their independent creative voice through experiment and investigation, always assuming that all pupils have the potential to create and grow as artists.

Co-curricular Art at Sevenoaks

Assessment Process

Candidates wishing to be considered for an Art scholarship will need to develop a portfolio and attend an assessment session in the Sevenoaks Art department. Candidates are given choices and open tasks and are helped to show themselves in the best possible light.

A satisfactory performance in the entrance test is a condition of an Art scholarship. We are looking for pupils who meet the normal academic requirements of the school but who also demonstrate outstanding ability in art, particularly through creativity, imagination, manual dexterity, strong powers of observation and evidence of some specialist language and concepts appropriate to the appreciation of art.

We expect holders of Art scholarships to make a significant extra-curricular commitment. It is expected that holders of Sixth Form awards will take Art at IB Higher or Standard Level. Art scholarships will normally be awarded for the duration of a pupil’s school career but may, in the first instance, be offered for a certain number of years.

How to apply

For Year 9 (13+), all candidates who have already been offered and have accepted a place at the school will be invited to apply for an Art scholarship. This invitation is also extended to current students who joined the school at Year 7 (11+). Art scholarship applications should be submitted by 1 February of Year 8 and the scholarship assessment day will be held in May.

Year 12 (16+) candidates should apply at the confirmation stage of application. Selected candidates are invited for assessment in November after sitting the academic entrance exams in October.

Scholarship Information    Application_Form

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