
Fee information


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Standard fees

Per termPer annum
Day Pupil£10,243£30,729

Fees include lunch on every school day (including Saturdays), plus textbooks and exercise books for all timetabled subjects.

Direct Entry to Sixth Form

The fees for students who enter the school in the Sixth Form are:

Per termPer annum
Day Pupil£11,632£34,896

Supplementary fees

  • Visa administration fee £500*
  • International Baccalaureate fee £195 per term (applicable to standard fee payers only)

*For students requiring visa sponsorship to attend Sevenoaks School. The fee covers the cost of the school’s visa staffing and ongoing compliance obligations. The fee is levied per visa sponsored by the school and covers the visa administration costs for the duration of that visa.

Music Tuition

The cost of music tuition is £36 for a thirty-minute lesson (£972 for 27 thirty-minute lessons). The hire charge for use of musical instruments is £63 per term.

Payment of Fees and Extras

Fees and extras may be paid by direct debit (this method requires the payer to have a UK bank account), bank transfer, cheque or bankers draft in GBP. Fees may not be paid in cash. Please click here for the direct debit form.

Direct Debit Form 

Fees in advance scheme

The school offers a Fees in Advance Scheme through which the cost can be reduced by making an advanced lump sum payment. Click below for full details.

Fees in Advance Scheme

Terms and Conditions

Terms and conditions

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