Entry at 13+

Entry at 13+ (Year 9)

We admit approximately 100 students at Year 9, of whom around 60 are boarders. The new students integrate very rapidly with the pupils who joined us at Year 7.

Applicants for Year 9 entry have two assessment options: Early Decision or Later Decision.

Early Decision applications are open only to pupils who will stay in their current school for Years 7 and 8. The deadline for registration is 15 September three years ahead of entry (the start of Year 6 in the UK system). We are currently taking applications for Early Decision entry for September 2028 and beyond.

Later Decision applicants will need to register by 1 November two years ahead of entry (the November of Year 7 in the UK system). A substantial number of places will be held open for Later Decision candidates.

Applications for Year 9 2026 have now closed. If you have missed the deadline, please email the Registrar.

Year 9 Early Decision  Year 9 Later Decision

My First Week

Life in the Middle School

The Middle School is large, cosmopolitan and vibrant. Every student is urged to be curious, creative, critically aware, and to develop their interests and talents to the full. Our Middle School curriculum is designed to develop the life of the mind. We have a broad range of academically ambitious courses that prepare students well for the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme in the Sixth Form. Do take a look at the ‘My First Week’ video above to get an insight into life in the Middle School.

Middle School booklet


Missed the deadline?

If you have missed the deadline for registration, you can send your child’s most recent school report and a few sentences about their co-curricular interests by email to the Registrar. We will hold your child’s details on our waiting list for late testing if a place should become available. We might occasionally be able to add late applicants to the regular testing process. Please do not complete the registration form until we advise you to do so.

Occasional Places

We occasionally take new pupils into Year 10 or Year 8. These are normally students who have already tested to join us at Year 9. However, we do hold a waiting list of prospective students who wish to join us at this stage. To put your child on the waiting list, you should send their most recent school report and a short statement of their co-curricular strengths and interests by email to the Registrar. There is no need to complete an online application or to pay the registration fee for the waiting list. We never take students into Year 11 as this is halfway through the IGCSE/GCSE course.

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