1. Visit us
We hold a number of Open Mornings and Group Visits throughout the year which give a general introduction to the school, a tour of the campus and, if appropriate, a visit to a boarding house. Following a visit, you can arrange an individual meeting with a member of the Admissions team. We also offer virtual events if you are unable to visit the school in person.
Book a visit
2. Application
Students should normally be aged 13 on 1 September of the year of entry. We are willing to consider candidates whose date of birth falls up to three months outside the standard age boundary. Please contact Admissions before completing the application form if your child’s date of birth falls outside the expected dates.
The next step is to complete the application form and to pay the registration fee of £420 (VAT inclusive) for a boarding application or £240 (VAT inclusive) for a day application.
Day Application Boarding application
Parent contact details
The information gathered via the online application form is used for all our communications. It is therefore important that you notify us of any change of email, postal address or circumstances during the application process. This is particularly important if you have applied some years in advance of entry.
3. Confirmation
Between September and November, two years prior to entry, we will ask you to confirm that you wish to go ahead with the Year 9 entry process. We will also ask you to provide us with more detailed information regarding your child’s co-curricular passions, as well as any medical conditions, learning support and special educational needs your child may have.
Day students who wish to apply for financial assistance should read the policy and apply at the confirmation stage: details of how to make an application for financial assistance will be provided in the confirmation forms. Financial assistance is not available for boarding candidates.
References from current school
Before we can offer a place, we must receive a confidential reference from the candidate’s current school. We will write to the school to request a reference once the confirmation forms have been submitted.
4. Assessment Days
Later Decision candidates will take the ISEB test either in their current school or at another testing centre between September and December of Year 7. We expect to invite most candidates to participate in the second stage of the assessment process, when they will sit papers in English and Maths and participate in a 40-minute group discussion. Candidates taking the second stage tests in Sevenoaks will also take part in a co-curricular taster activity, and boarding applicants will join us for supper and stay in the boarding house the night before the assessments.
For international candidates, our staff travel to a number of cities to supervise testing and conduct group discussion tasks. You will be advised of the options at the confirmation stage. Please note that there is an extra payment to participate in one of these testing days.
Testing can also take place at a British Council office or other approved centre, with the group discussion taking place online. Please contact the Registrar to discuss alternative arrangements.
More details
5. Results
Results will be sent out in mid-May after the assessments.
Parents will need to send a copy of their child’s school report in the spring of Year 8. We reserve the right to seek a further reference from the current school and, if necessary, withdraw an offer in the event of serious concerns.
6. Accepting your place
Congratulations! We’re looking forward to seeing you at Sevenoaks soon. New students and parents will be invited to a range of activities as part of the induction process.
Acceptance of all places must be confirmed by the payment of a deposit (£2,000 for day pupils; £5,000 for boarding pupils) and the completion of an Acceptance Form by the date specified in our offer letter. Any candidate who decides not to accept their place is requested to inform us of their decision as soon as possible so their place can be released to a reserved candidate.
7. Scholarships
Sevenoaks offers scholarships to honour and celebrate exceptional talent in academia, music, sports, drama and art. All academic and co-curricular scholarships are assessed in the spring of Year 8 and results are issued at the end of May via email.
Information about applying for scholarships will be provided in your offer letter.
Scholarship information