Beyond Sevenoaks
US and international universities
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The US
Why study in the US?
The growing popularity of studying in the United States is reflected internationally, and there are a number of reasons why international students might opt to go to the US for higher education.
Liberal Arts degrees
The Liberal Arts and Sciences curriculum is another selling point for students who are reluctant to settle on a single subject. Those looking for a well-rounded degree are given the flexibility to explore their interests before selecting their major area(s) of study. This is a particularly good fit for IB students who have maintained breadth throughout their education and who recognise the benefits of studying across disciplines.
Extra-curricular opportunities
On a US campus, learning is not limited to the four walls of the classroom. Universities aim to educate the whole student by providing opportunities for learning through extracurricular involvement (community service, internships, sport, leadership roles and the arts), something which more closely mirrors the philosophy of the IB.
In today’s climate, students need to be more competitive in an increasingly global workplace. Studying abroad allows them to gain transferable skills and sets them apart in the job market; many employers look for the skills students develop when studying abroad.
Value for money
With university fees now an established factor in the UK, students and their parents are looking more carefully at which institutions offer the best value for money. Although a US undergraduate degree may be a more expensive option, many feel that the quality of the teaching, the all-round nature of the education and the world-class facilities on offer make US universities a worthwhile investment.
How we support applications to the US
We know that making applications to US universities is a complex and time-consuming process. With over 4000 institutions to choose from, students need help in identifying universities that will be a good fit for them, offering the curriculum and environment that will enable them to succeed. Although the Common Application can be used to apply to over 500 US institutions, the majority of top universities also require students to complete supplements with additional essays and questions specific to them.
Staff support
Our Head of US and International University Applications leads the team of staff who deliver the US and international support programme. Each student applying to the US has a dedicated college counsellor and can also access support from one of our specialist writing tutors who help students with the Common Application essay and any supplemental essays required by individual universities.
Programme of support
In the Lower Sixth all prospective US applicants attend introductory meetings detailing the process of applying to the US. Every student applying to the US attends weekly meetings with the rest of the US cohort in which details relating to university choice, finance, the components of the application and other relevant information are explored.
Students also meet one-to-one with their college counsellor in the Lent and Summer terms to make and refine their list of suitable universities and to work on their Common Application essay and supplementary material. The US and international team also work closely with the Higher Education department’s UK advisers to ensure that students have a balanced and manageable list of universities.
SAT test centre
Sevenoaks is an SAT test centre, allowing students to sit these long, demanding tests in a familiar environment.
Visits from US universities
Experts and admissions officers from all over the US come each year to give talks, offering students an opportunity to hear about each university’s distinct features and ask questions about the application process. With every application cycle our expertise in this area continues to grow and our relationships with top US universities become stronger, in no small part due to the OS attending these institutions who serve as fantastic ambassadors for Sevenoaks.
International Universities
Every year students apply to universities outside of the UK and US systems, mainly to Canadian and European institutions.
Students often choose to access programmes taught in English, though we help students apply for courses taught in other languages as well, often in the students’ home country. Many students make applications across multiple university systems in multiple countries.
Students at Sevenoaks are often particularly drawn to high-level programmes taught in English, such as the Sciences-Po-Columbia/Berkeley Dual Degree and the World Bachelor in Business which is taught jointly between University of Southern California, Bocconi and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.